Results for 'Louise Carrie Wales'

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  1.  21
    Body shopping: Challenging convention in the donation and use of bodily materials through art practice.Louise Mackenzie, Ilke Turkmendag, Isabel Burr-Raty, WhiteFeather Hunter, Charlotte Jarvis, Miriam Simun, Hege Tapio & Adam Zaretsky - 2020 - Technoetic Arts 18 (2):279-297.
    The historical context of body and tissue donation is deeply problematic, with patriarchal and colonial narratives. The contemporary context of molecular and genetic biology further complicates issues of bodily donation through narratives of abstraction and extraction. As practitioners working outside the conventional boundaries of scientific study learn the tools and techniques to extract and use bodily materials, they are also learning and challenging the procedures and processes. This article approaches questions of bodily donation through the edited transcript of a conversation (...)
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    The Effects of Adult Ageing and Culture on the Tower of London Task.Louise H. Phillips, Louisa Lawrie, Alexandre Schaefer, Cher Yi Tan & Min Hooi Yong - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Planning ability is important in everyday functioning, and a key measure to assess the preparation and execution of plans is the Tower of London task. Previous studies indicate that older adults are often less accurate than the young on the ToL and that there may be cultural differences in performance on the task. However, potential interactions between age and culture have not previously been explored. In the current study we examined the effects of age on ToL performance in an Asian (...)
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  3. Philosophers without gods: Secular life in a religious world.Louise Antony - manuscript
    Introduction Atheism is a minority position in today’s world. At least in the parts of the globe accessible to pollsters, most people believe in God. The rate of theism has little to do with the level of scientific or technological development of the society in question. Consider, for example, the United States, where, despite the country’s constitutional commitment to the “separation of church and state,” most institutions of daily life are infused with theism.1 U.S. coins carry the proclamation “In God (...)
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    Autonomy in Tension: Reproduction, Technology, and Justice.Louise P. King, Rachel L. Zacharias & Josephine Johnston - 2017 - Hastings Center Report 47 (s3):S2-S5.
    Respect for autonomy is a central value in reproductive ethics, but it can be a challenge to fulfill and is sometimes an outright puzzle to understand. If a woman requests the transfer of two, three, or four embryos during fertility treatment, is that request truly autonomous, and do clinicians disrespect her if they question that decision or refuse to carry it out? Add a commitment to justice to the mix, and the challenge can become more complex still. Is it unfair (...)
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    A Coordinated Research Agenda for Nature-Based Learning.Cathy Jordan & Louise Chawla - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Evidence is mounting that nature-based learning (NBL) enhances children’s educational and developmental outcomes, making this an opportune time to identify promising questions to carry research and practice in this field forward. We present the outcomes of a process to set a research agenda for NBL, undertaken by the Science of Nature-Based Learning Collaborative Research Network, with funding from the National Science Foundation. A literature review and several approaches to gathering input from researchers, practitioners and funders resulted in recommendations for research (...)
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    Ossian and the Invention of Textual History.Kristine Louise Haugen - 1998 - Journal of the History of Ideas 59 (2):309-327.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ossian and the Invention of Textual HistoryKristine Louise HaugenIt is now controversial to call James Macpherson a forger or the poems of Ossian a hoax. 1 Encouraged by Derick Thomson’s 1952 demonstration that Macpherson’s Ossian indeed echoes authentic Gaelic verse, 2 a group of critics has undertaken to “rehabilitate” Macpherson, not least through a new critical edition of Ossian’s poems and related texts. 3 The edition makes it (...)
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    Jet fuel exposure and auditory outcomes in Australian air force personnel.Adrian Fuente, Louise Hickson, Thais C. Morata, Warwick Williams, Asaduzzaman Khan & Eduardo Fuentes-Lopez - 2019 - BMC Public Health 19 (1):675.
    Animal data suggest that jet fuels such as JP-8 are associated with hearing deficits when combined with noise and that the effect is more pronounced than with noise exposure alone. Some studies suggest peripheral dysfunction while others suggest central auditory dysfunction. Human data are limited in this regard. The aim of this study was to investigate the possible chronic adverse effects of JP-8 combined with noise exposure on the peripheral and central auditory systems in humans. Fifty-seven participants who were current (...)
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  8.  11
    World Class Initiatives and Practices in Early Education: Moving Forward in a Global Age.Louise Boyle Swiniarski (ed.) - 2014 - Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer.
    This book offers current international initiatives, developed for working with children from "Birth to Eight" by a diverse group of noted professional authors. Their readings present an overview of early education as it evolved from the Froebelian kindergarten to today's practices in various Early Education settings around the globe. The international voices of the authors represent a balanced perspective of happenings in various nations and lend a conversational approach to each chapter. The chapters analyze the Universal Preschool Education movement promoted (...)
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  9.  28
    A Mathematical Analysis of an Election System Proposed by Gottlob Frege.Paul Harrenstein, Marie-Louise Lackner & Martin Lackner - 2022 - Erkenntnis 87 (6):2609-2644.
    In 1998 a long-lost proposal for an election law by Gottlob Frege (1848–1925) was rediscovered in the _Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek_ in Jena, Germany. The method that Frege proposed for the election of representatives of a constituency features a remarkable concern for the representation of minorities. Its core idea is that votes cast for unelected candidates are carried over to the next election, while elected candidates incur a cost of winning. We prove that this sensitivity to past elections guarantees a (...)
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  10.  5
    Conversational topic maintenance and related cognitive abilities in autistic versus neurotypical children.Kirsten Abbot-Smith, Danielle Matthews, Colin Bannard, Joshua Nice, Louise Malkin, David M. Williams & Hobson William - unknown
    Keeping a conversation going is the social glue of friendships. The DSM criteria for autism list difficulties with back-and-forth conversation but does not necessitate that all autistic children will be equally impacted. We carried out three studies (two pre-registered) with verbally-fluent school children (age 5-9 years) to investigate how autistic and neurotypical children maintain a conversation topic. We also investigated within-group relationships between conversational ability and cognitive and socio-cognitive predictors. Study 1 found autistic children were more likely than neurotypical controls (...)
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    Contemporary nursing wisdom in the UK and ethical knowing: difficulties in conceptualising the ethics of nursing.Roger Newham, Joan Curzio, Graham Carr & Louise Terry - 2014 - Nursing Philosophy 15 (1):50-56.
    This paper's philosophical ideas are developed from a General Nursing Council for England and Wales Trust‐funded study to explore nursing knowledge and wisdom and ways in which these can be translated into clinical practice and fostered in junior nurses. Participants using Carper's (1978) ways of knowing as a framework experienced difficulty conceptualizing a link between the empirics and ethics of nursing. The philosophical problem is how to understandpraxisas a moral entity with intrinsic value when so much of value seems (...)
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  12.  55
    Teachers as mediators between educational policy and practice.Kevin Brain, Ivan Reid & Louise Comerford Boyes - 2006 - Educational Studies 32 (4):411-423.
    Teachers obviously serve as the medium for causing the result of policy as they carry it into schools and classrooms and deliver it to pupils. They mediate between education policy and practice. Knowledge of the exact nature and effects of this vital role is limited. Drawing on a range of research and evaluation of both national and local policy in practice, carried out by the authors in England, this paper illustrates how teachers mediate policy and the resulting outcomes. Further, it (...)
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  13.  4
    Ethical considerations related to virtual visiting for families and critically ill patients in intensive care: a qualitative descriptive study.Kirsty Clarke, Karen Borges, Sultan Hatab, Lauren Richardson, Jessica Taylor, Robyn Evans, Bethany Chung, Harriet Cleverdon, Andreas Xyrichis, Amelia Cook, Joel Meyer & Louise Rose - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-7.
    Background During the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual visiting technologies were rapidly integrated into the care offered by intensive care units (ICUs) in the UK and across the globe. Today, these technologies offer a necessary adjunct to in-person visits for those with ICU access limited by geography, work/caregiving commitments, or frailty. However, few empirical studies explore the ethical issues associated with virtual visiting. This study aimed to explore the anticipated or unanticipated ethical issues raised by using virtual visiting in the ICU, such (...)
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    A fulfilling career? Factors which influence women's choice of profession.Pauline Lightbody, Gerda Siann, Louise Tait & David Walsh - 1997 - Educational Studies 23 (1):25-37.
    First year university students enrolled on courses which have remained male dominated, including engineering, physics and computer science and two courses, law and medicine, on which females now outnumber males , completed a questionnaire concerned with the reasons why they chose their particular course. Analyses were carried out using a stepwise discriminant function analysis. The results of this study indicate that the reasons women favour law and medicine, rather than more technological courses, is that the former courses are seen as (...)
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  15.  81
    Views regarding physician-assisted suicide: a study of medical professionals at various points in their training.Mark Kitching, Andrew James Stevens & Louise Forman - 2008 - Clinical Ethics 3 (1):27-33.
    In this study, we sought to obtain detailed opinion on some of the practical issues that might arise should physician-assisted suicide (PAS) ever be legalized in the UK. We carried out an anonymous postal questionnaire of medical students, junior and senior doctors working at an acute hospital trust, over a three-week period. A total of 435 questionnaires were distributed and we had an overall return rate of 34%. We found that opinions changed very little as doctors progressed from medical school (...)
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  16.  20
    Mating type and mating strategies in Neurospora.Robert L. Metzenberg & N. Louise Glass - 1990 - Bioessays 12 (2):53-59.
    In the heterothallic species Neurospora crassa, strains of opposite mating type, A and a, must interact to give the series of events resulting in fruiting body formation, meiosis, and the generation of dormant ascospores. The mating type of a strain is specified by the DNA sequence it carries in the mating type region; strains that are otherwise isogenic can mate and produce ascospores. The DNA of the A and a regions have completely dissimilar sequences. Probing DNA from strains of each (...)
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  17.  67
    How should we deal with misattributed paternity? A survey of lay public attitudes.Georgia Lowe, Jonathan Pugh, Guy Kahane, Louise Corben, Sharon Lewis, Martin Delatycki & Julian Savulescu - 2017 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 8 (4):234-242.
    Background: Increasing use of genetic technologies in clinical and research settings increases the potential for misattributed paternity to be identified. Yet existing guidance from the President's Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Biomedical and Behavioral Research and the Institute of Medicine (among others) offers contradictory advice. Genetic health professionals are thus likely to vary in their practice when misattributed paternity is identified, and empirical investigation into the disclosure of misattributed paternity is scarce. Given the relevance of this ethical (...)
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  18.  22
    Dr. Noel Preston: Understanding Ethics, 3rd edition: The Federated Press, Leichhardt, New South Wales, 2007, 233 pages, ISBN 978 186287 662 0.Rona Smeak - 2014 - Journal of Academic Ethics 12 (2):161-163.
    IntroductionThis paperback text is an intermediate text and is simply written. As the author himself states, “the book aims to speak to that growing number of interested persons who want to understand more about the study of ethics, ethical issues and the ways ethicists approach them” . The author intends for this book to be an introduction to ethics and uses the first few chapters to swiftly and succinctly provide an introduction to the basics of ethics and the main ethical (...)
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  19.  79
    Power, Positionality and Practicality: Carrying out Fieldwork with Children.John Barker & Fiona Smith - 2001 - Ethics, Place and Environment 4 (2):142-147.
    In this paper we provide a reflexive account of fieldwork in out of school clubs in a range of localities across England and Wales. By reflecting upon our personal experiences of researching with c...
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  20.  58
    Linguistic influences on mathematical development: How important is the transparency of the counting system?Ann Dowker, Sheila Bala & Delyth Lloyd - 2008 - Philosophical Psychology 21 (4):523 – 538.
    Wales uses languages with both regular (Welsh) and irregular (English) counting systems. Three groups of 6- and 8-year-old Welsh children with varying degrees of exposure to the Welsh language—those who spoke Welsh at both home and school; those who spoke Welsh only at home; and those who spoke only English—were given standardized tests of arithmetic and a test of understanding representations of two-digit numbers. Groups did not differ on the arithmetic tests, but both groups of Welsh speakers read and (...)
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  21.  22
    Towards formation of dynamic value chains to enhance competitiveness of commercial lighting industry.Ashini Wesumperuma, Athula Ginige & Upul Gunawardana - 2018 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 16 (4):427-444.
    Purpose This study aims to explore ways to enhance competitiveness of commercial lighting industry because of the growing digitally connected stakeholder community. Positive responses from stakeholders to recurring business interactions help build trust and formation of a community; value chains being one form of such trusted community. Because of the increasing trust, the effort to search right value chain partners diminishes, business interactions become less formal and transaction costs are reduced, thus increasing the competitiveness. Design/methodology/approach In this research, a cross-sectional (...)
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  22.  80
    The Wistar rat as a right choice: Establishing mammalian standards and the ideal of a standardized mammal.Bonnie Tocher Clause - 1993 - Journal of the History of Biology 26 (2):329-349.
    In summary, the creation and maintenance of the Wistar Rats as standardized animals can be attributed to the breeding work of Helen Dean King, coupled with the management and husbandry methods of Milton Greenman and Louise Duhring, and with supporting documentation provided by Henry Donaldson. The widespread use of the Wistar Rats, however, is a function of the ingenuity of Milton Greenman who saw in them a way for a small institution to provide service to science. Greenman's rhetoric, as (...)
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  23.  43
    The canary in the coal mine: Continence care for people with dementia in acute hospital wards as a crisis of dehumanization.Paula Boddington & Katie Featherstone - 2018 - Bioethics 32 (4):251-260.
    Continence is a key moment of care that can tell us about the wider care of people living with dementia within acute hospital wards. The spotlight is currently on the quality of hospital care of older people across the UK, yet concerns persist about their poor treatment, neglect, abuse, and discrimination within this setting. Thus, within hospitals, the care of people living with dementia is both a welfare issue and a human rights issue. The challenge of continence care for people (...)
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  24.  77
    Philosophers as Educational Reformers : The Influence of Idealism on British Educational Thought.Peter Gordon & John White - 1979 - Routledge.
    This volume assesses how far the ideas and achievements of the 19th century British Idealist philosophical reformers are still important for us today when considering fundamental questions about the structure and objectives of the education system in England and Wales. Part 1 examines those ideas of the Idealists, especially T. H. Green, which had most bearing on the educational reforms carried out between 1870 and the 1920s and traces their connection with the philosophy and educational theory of Hegel and (...)
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  25.  32
    Including adults with intellectual disabilities who lack capacity to consent in research.Julie Calveley - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (4):558-567.
    The Mental Capacity Act 2005 has stipulated that in England and Wales the ethical implications of carrying out research with people who are unable to consent must be considered alongside the ethical implications of excluding them from research altogether. This paper describes the methods that were used to enable people with severe and profound intellectual disabilities, who lacked capacity, to participate in a study that examined their experience of receiving intimate care. The safeguards that were put in place to (...)
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  26.  5
    Including adults with intellectual disabilities who lack capacity to consent in research.Julie Calveley Clark) - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (4):558-567.
    The Mental Capacity Act 2005 has stipulated that in England and Wales the ethical implications of carrying out research with people who are unable to consent must be considered alongside the ethical implications of excluding them from research altogether. This paper describes the methods that were used to enable people with severe and profound intellectual disabilities, who lacked capacity, to participate in a study that examined their experience of receiving intimate care. The safeguards that were put in place to (...)
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  27.  33
    The Archaean Controversy in Britain: Part III—The rocks of Anglesey and Caernarvonshire.D. R. Oldroyd - 1993 - Annals of Science 50 (6):23-584.
    A detailed account is given of the development of the Archaean Controversy in Caernarvonshire and Anglesey. Sedgwick had found no base for his Cambrian in North Wales, but had intimated that some of the unfossiliferous rocks of the Lleyn Peninsula and Anglesey might be older than his Cambrian. He also described two ‘ribs’ of igneous rock: one running from Caernarvon to Bangor; the other inland, parallel to the first and crossing the Llanberis Pass at Llyn Padarn. The early Surveyors (...)
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  28.  11
    Philosophers as Educational Reformers (International Library of the Philosophy of Education Volume 10): The Influence of Idealism on British Educational Thought.Peter Gordon & John White - 1979 - Routledge.
    This volume assesses how far the ideas and achievements of the 19th century British Idealist philosophical reformers are still important for us today when considering fundamental questions about the structure and objectives of the education system in England and Wales. Part 1 examines those ideas of the Idealists, especially T. H. Green, which had most bearing on the educational reforms carried out between 1870 and the 1920s and traces their connection with the philosophy and educational theory of Hegel and (...)
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  29.  66
    Professional Judgement, Critical Realism, Real People, and, Yes, Two Wrongs Can Make a Right!K. W. M. Fulford & Anthony Colombo - 2004 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 11 (2):165-173.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 11.2 (2004) 165-173 [Access article in PDF] Professional Judgment, Critical Realism, Real People, and, Yes, Two Wrongs Can Make a Right! K.W.M. Fulford Anthony Colombo Keywords values, values-based practice, models of disorder, concept of mental illness, user-centred practice, patient-centred practice, multidisciplinary teamwork We are grateful to our four commentators for putting much-needed conceptual air and space around the models project. Published originally as an empirical (...)
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  30.  24
    La epistemología naturalizada.Claudio Javier Cormick - 2021 - Escritos 29 (62):101-122.
    The article presents a brief reconstruction of naturalized epistemology, understood as a methodological approach. Three emblematic positions within naturalized epistemology are distinguished: rejection of apriorism inepistemology, favoring the use of the results of empirical science; attribution of an instrumental normativity to epistemology; and the thesis of the empirical assessability of the epistemic norms or principles. The text addresses the way in which, historically, these features are presented in the foundational works of Quine and Laudan. Furthermore, it studies how this project (...)
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  31.  16
    Positive Psychology Interventions as an Opportunity in Arab Countries to Promoting Well-Being.Asma A. Basurrah, Mohammed Al-Haj Baddar & Zelda Di Blasi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:793608.
    Positive Psychology Interventions as an Opportunity in Arab Countries to Promoting Well-being AbstractIn this perspective paper, we emphasize the importance of further research on culturally-sensitive positive psychology interventions in the Arab region. We argue that these interventions are needed in the region because they not only reduce mental health problems but also promote well-being and flourishing. To achieve this, we shed light on the cultural elements of the Arab region and how the concept of well-being differs from that of Western (...)
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    Form and Archetype: Anticipations of a Psychophysically Neutral Language.Charles Card - 2011 - Mind and Matter 9 (1):53-88.
    The defining characteristics anticipated for any prospective psychophysically neutral language are explored in this essay through the analysis and comparison of two previous approaches. The idea of a psychophysically neutral language was first articulated byWolfgang Pauli in the context of the dual-aspect theory of mind and matter that he developed with C.G. Jung. The first approach discussed is George Spencer Brown's Laws of Form. An overview is given, followed by a review of the critical responses and extensions of the work, (...)
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  33.  46
    Tolstoy's Absolute Language.Gary Saul Morson - 1981 - Critical Inquiry 7 (4):667-687.
    Among Tolstoy's absolute statements are those that exhibit characteristics of both biblical commands and proverbs—and of other types of absolute statements as well. He also draws, for example, on logical propositions, mathematical deductions, laws of nature and human nature, dictionary definitions, and metaphysical assertions. The language of all these forms is timeless, anonymous, and above all categorical. Their stylistic features imply that they are not falsifiable and that they are not open to qualification: they characteristically include words like "all," "each," (...)
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  34. Is Metaphysical Dependence Irreflexive?Carrie Jenkins - 2011 - The Monist 94 (2):267-276.
    The article explores the irreflexivity of metaphysical dependence in the physical structure of reality. It stresses that the word dependence denotes quasi-ireflexivity which affects the metaphysical relations of a physical structure. It focuses on the view that irreflexivity assumption has been made without discussion of the dependence relations on the structure of reality.
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  35. Neuroscience and the multiple realization of cognitive functions.Carrie Figdor - 2010 - Philosophy of Science 77 (3):419-456.
    Many empirically minded philosophers have used neuroscientific data to argue against the multiple realization of cognitive functions in existing biological organisms. I argue that neuroscientists themselves have proposed a biologically based concept of multiple realization as an alternative to interpreting empirical findings in terms of one‐to‐one structure‐function mappings. I introduce this concept and its associated research framework and also how some of the main neuroscience‐based arguments against multiple realization go wrong. *Received October 2009; revised December 2009. †To contact the author, (...)
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  36. Individuating Cognitive Characters: Lessons from Praying Mantises and Plants.Carrie Figdor - 2024 - Philosophy of Science:1-20.
    This paper advances the development of a phylogeny-based psychology in which cognitive ability types are individuated as characters in the evolutionary biological sense. I explain the character concept and its utility in addressing (or dissolving) conceptual problems arising from discoveries of cognitive abilities across a wide range of species. I use the examples of stereopsis in the praying mantis, internal cell-to-cell signaling in plants, and episodic memory in scrub jays to show how anthropocentric cognitive ability types can be reformulated into (...)
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  37. What Love Is: And What It Could Be.Carrie Jenkins - 2017 - New York: Basic Books.
    This book unpicks the conceptual, ideological, and metaphysical tangles that get in the way of understanding romantic love. -/- Written for a general audience, What Love Is And What It Could Be explores different disciplinary perspectives on love, in search of the bigger picture. It presents a "dual-nature" theory: romantic love is simultaneously both a biological phenomenon and a social construct. The key philosophical insight comes in explaining why this a coherent—and indeed a necessary—position to take. -/- The deep motivation (...)
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  38. What could cognition be, if not human cognition?: Individuating cognitive abilities in the light of evolution.Carrie Figdor - 2022 - Biology and Philosophy 37 (6):1-21.
    I argue that an explicit distinction between cognitive characters and cognitive phenotypes is needed for empirical progress in the cognitive sciences and their integration with evolution-guided sciences. I elaborate what ontological commitment to characters involves and how such a commitment would clarify ongoing debates about the relations between human and nonhuman cognition and the extent of cognitive abilities across biological species. I use theoretical proposals in episodic memory, language, and sociocultural bases of cognition to illustrate how cognitive characters are being (...)
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  39. The Psychological Speciesism of Humanism.Carrie Figdor - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178:1545-1569.
    Humanists argue for assigning the highest moral status to all humans over any non-humans directly or indirectly on the basis of uniquely superior human cognitive abilities. They may also claim that humanism is the strongest position from which to combat racism, sexism, and other forms of within-species discrimination. I argue that changing conceptual foundations in comparative research and discoveries of advanced cognition in many non-human species reveal humanism’s psychological speciesism and its similarity with common justifications of within-species discrimination.
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  40. What Are We Talking About When We Talk About Cognition?: Human, cybernetic, and phylogenetic conceptual schemes.Carrie Figdor - 2023 - JOLMA - The Journal for the Philosophy of Language, Mind, and the Arts 4 (2):149-162.
    This paper outlines three broad conceptual schemes currently in play in the sciences concerned with explaining cognitive abilities. One is the anthropocentric scheme – human cognition – that dominated our thinking about cognition until very recently. Another is the cybernetic-computational scheme – cybernetic cognition – rooted in cognitive science and flourishing in such fields as artificial intelligence, computational neuroscience, and biocybernetics. The third is an evolutionary biological scheme – phylogenetic cognition – that conceptualizes cognition in terms of the phylogeny-based approach (...)
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  41. Is Free Will Necessary for Moral Responsibility?: A Case for Rethinking Their Relationship and the Design of Experimental Studies in Moral Psychology.Carrie Figdor & Mark Phelan - 2015 - Mind and Language 30 (5):603-627.
    Philosophical tradition has long held that free will is necessary for moral responsibility. We report experimental results that show that the folk do not think free will is necessary for moral responsibility. Our results also suggest that experimental investigation of the relationship is ill served by a focus on incompatibilism versus compatibilism. We propose an alternative framework for empirical moral psychology in which judgments of free will and moral responsibility can vary independently in response to many factors. We also suggest (...)
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  42. On the Proper Domain of Psychological Predicates.Carrie Figdor - 2017 - Synthese 194 (11):4289-4310.
    One question of the bounds of cognition is that of which things have it. A scientifically relevant debate on this question must explain the persistent and selective use of psychological predicates to report findings throughout biology: for example, that neurons prefer, fruit flies and plants decide, and bacteria communicate linguistically. This paper argues that these claims should enjoy default literal interpretation. An epistemic consequence is that these findings can contribute directly to understanding the nature of psychological capacities.
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  43. Shannon + Friston = Content: Intentionality in predictive signaling systems.Carrie Figdor - 2021 - Synthese 199 (1-2):2793-2816.
    What is the content of a mental state? This question poses the problem of intentionality: to explain how mental states can be about other things, where being about them is understood as representing them. A framework that integrates predictive coding and signaling systems theories of cognitive processing offers a new perspective on intentionality. On this view, at least some mental states are evaluations, which differ in function, operation, and normativity from representations. A complete naturalistic theory of intentionality must account for (...)
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  44. Intrinsically/Extrinsically.Carrie Figdor - 2008 - Journal of Philosophy 105 (11):691-718.
    I separate two intrinsic/extrinsic distinctions that are often conflated: one between properties (the intrinsic/extrinsic, or I/E, distinction) and one between the ways in which properties are had by individuals (the intrinsically/extrinsically, or I-ly/E-ly, distinction). I propose an analysis of the I-ly/E-ly distinction and its relation to the I/E distinction that explains, inter alia, the puzzle of cross-classification: how it can be, for example, that the property of being square can be classified as an intrinsic property and yet individuals can be (...)
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  45. Relationship between Cognition and Moral Status Needs Overhaul.Carrie Figdor - 2020 - Animal Sentience 29 (3):1-2.
    I commend Mikhalevich & Powell for extending the discussion of cognition and its relation to moral status with their well researched and argued target article on invertebrate cognition. I have two small criticisms: that the scala naturae still retains its appeal to some in biology as well as psychology, and that drawing the line at invertebrates requires a bit more defense given the larger comparative cognitive-scientific context.
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    Systematicity and arbitrariness in novel communication systems.Carrie Ann Theisen, Jon Oberlander & Simon Kirby - 2010 - Interaction Studies 11 (1):14-32.
  47. What’s the Use of an Intrinsic Property?Carrie Figdor - 2014 - In Robert M. Francescotti, Companion to Intrinsic Properties. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 139-156.
    Work on the intrinsic/extrinsic distinction is often motivated by its use in other areas, such as intrinsic value, real vs. Cambridge change, supervenience and other topics. With the exception of Figdor 2008, philosophers have sought to articulate a global distinction -- a distinction between kinds of properties, rather than ways in which individuals have properties. I argue that global I/E distinctions are unable to do the work that allegedly motivates them, focusing on the case of intrinsic value.
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  48. Trust Me: News, Credibility Deficits, and Balance.Carrie Figdor - 2018 - In Joe Saunders & Carl Fox, Media Ethics, Free Speech, and the Requirements of Democracy. Routledge. pp. 69-86.
    When a society is characterized by a climate of distrust, how does this impact the professional practices of news journalism? I focus on the practice of balance, or fair presentation of both sides in a story. I articulate a two-step model of how trust modulates the acceptance of tes-timony and draw out its implications for justifying the practice of balance.
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  49. The Fallacy of the Homuncular Fallacy.Carrie Figdor - 2018 - Belgrade Philosophical Annual 31 (31):41-56.
    A leading theoretical framework for naturalistic explanation of mind holds that we explain the mind by positing progressively "stupider" capacities ("homunculi") until the mind is "discharged" by means of capacities that are not intelligent at all. The so-called homuncular fallacy involves violating this procedure by positing the same capacities at subpersonal levels. I argue that the homuncular fallacy is not a fallacy, and that modern-day homunculi are idle posits. I propose an alternative view of what naturalism requires that reflects how (...)
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  50. Semantic externalism and the mechanics of thought.Carrie Figdor - 2009 - Minds and Machines 19 (1):1-24.
    I review a widely accepted argument to the conclusion that the contents of our beliefs, desires and other mental states cannot be causally efficacious in a classical computational model of the mind. I reply that this argument rests essentially on an assumption about the nature of neural structure that we have no good scientific reason to accept. I conclude that computationalism is compatible with wide semantic causal efficacy, and suggest how the computational model might be modified to accommodate this possibility.
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